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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!



The Department of Accounting and Audit

Head of department: Prof. Mihai Păunică, Phd

Web Site: daeef.ase.ro

The Department of management information systems

Head of department: Prof. Florin Mihai, Phd

Web Site: dig.ase.ro

The Department of Financial and Economic Analysis

Head of department: Prof. Monica Petcu, Phd

Web Site: daeef.ase.ro



Events and news

  Vino alături de noi la cea de-a 9-a ediție a Săptămânii Internaționale! Evenimente și detalii aici: International week in ASE 2024 Join us for the 9th Edition of the International Week! Events and details here: International week in ASE 2024

Dragi studenți, Partenerii noștri de la Deloitte au deschis o serie de oportunități pentru voi și vă invită să aplicați cât mai curând la programele de mai jos. Printre principalele condiții se numără să studiați în an terminal sau să fiți masteranzi și să aveți un nivel bun al limbii engleze. Tax Internship Program – part-time,

Given the exponential growth in the importance of sustainability in general and in the accounting profession in particular (through sustainability reporting), the Faculty of Accounting and Management Informatics together with ACCA has developed a program to support students (financial and coursework/mentoring) to obtain the ACCA Sustainability for Finance Certificate. The certificate is an important asset

ACCA will organize a new online edition of the Test your CFO Skills student competition on the 8th of July 2022 and we would like to invite your students to register, test their accounting knowledge and win cool prizes! Please find below and attached the official invitation and main conditions to apply. Participation is free of charge!