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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


Master's programs

The Faculty has one master program taught in English:

Accounting, Audit and Management Information Systems in English (details here)

The program develops advanced skills in the field of accounting (auditing, management accounting, IFRS, integrated reporting, management information systems), to prepare students for high level positions in audit firms, large companies, including multinationals, banks, etc. Visiting professors and practitioners are invited to deliver presentations and courses.

"University has been the foundation of my success in my professional life. Not only did it make it easier for me to get an international opportunity, but it helped me develop both personally and professionally. The professors often choose practical examples that support preparation for professional life."

(Gabriela Cerchez, Master of Accounting, Auditing and Management Informatics (in English), employed at Novartis, Switzerland)


Bachelor’s Admission methodology and procedures are available here: Admission to Master programs

Master's Educational offer is available here: July 2024 Educational Offer

Master's Admission and tuition fees



  • Auditing Concepts and Practices at National and International Levels
  • International Accounting
  • Accounting, Controlling and Expertise
  • Financial Analysis and Valuation
  • Accounting and Taxation of Economic Entities
  • Accounting, Audit and Management Information Systems (romanian)
  • Management Information Systems

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