The Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems is committed to making a positive impact on the economic environment by advancing knowledge through fundamental and applied research, developing leaders in the accounting profession and business, and creating value through partnerships with academia and business.
The Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems aspires to remain the most prestigious faculty in the country and representative among the top faculties in South-Eastern Europe, both in terms of performance in education and research and in terms of identifying effective solutions to the challenges of sustainable development of society.
Hard work
Stimati studenți, Facultatea de Contabilitate și Informatică de Gestiune (CIG) și Facultatea de Finanțe, Asigurări, Bănci și Burse de Valori (FABBV) au lansat proiectul de practică Stagii de practică, coaching și întreprindere simulată pentru debutul în carieră al viitorilor specialiști în contabilitate și finanțe, într-o economie sustenabilă (cod 317310). Proiectul își propune să contribuie la
Stimați colegi, Ne face o deosebită plăcere să vă invităm, Joi, 20 martie 2025, ora 12,00, la sala V. Madgearu, la lansarea proiectelor facultății noastre: 1. Mentorat pentru profesori: Profesorul meu – mentorul meu. Proiect realizat in colaborare cu KPMG și European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) România. 2. Platformă digitală de practică Proiect finanțat
Find out from ACCA, the largest international association in finance and accounting, how you can build a successful career in this field, what are the advantages of graduating from a degree program in economics, finance or accounting and how you can benefit from the ACCA Accelerated and Fast Track scholarships. Join this complimentary discussion session
ACCA and Viboal FindEx invite you to attend a complimentary event for professionals wishing to find out the latest news on the Romanian taxation system. The webinar will be held on February 26, 2025, starting at 10:00 am and will last one hour. The webinar will address the main fiscal changes applicable in 2025 to