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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


About US


The Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems is committed to making a positive impact on the economic environment by advancing knowledge through fundamental and applied research, developing leaders in the accounting profession and business, and creating value through partnerships with academia and business.



The Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems aspires to remain the most prestigious faculty in the country and representative among the top faculties in South-Eastern Europe, both in terms of performance in education and research and in terms of identifying effective solutions to the challenges of sustainable development of society.


Values: professionalism, responsibility, dedication, loyalty, hard work


The Faculty of Accounting and Management Informatics (CIG) has a long tradition in higher economic education in Romania, having a history of more than 70 years in ASE as a distinct organizational structure (section, specialization or faculty). The CIG Faculty is one of the largest faculty in ASE by number of teaching staff and number of departments (118 full teaching staff, i.e. 19.3% of the number of teaching staff in ASE; 3 departments). Moreover, CIG is one of the biggest by total number of students and master's students,


Socio-economic reforms since 1990 have led to the growth and reshaping of the role of accounting and management informatics in organizations and the economy, which has led to an increase in demand for specialists in the field. As a result of market trends and efforts to reform curricula and internationalize the faculty, the number of applicants to the faculty's programs has been relatively constant over time.

The Faculty in figures:

  • 3 departments
  • 121 professors
  • about 2700 students, master and doctoral students
  • 2 undergraduate programmes, full-time education (one programme taught in Romanian and one in English) and one distance education programme
  • 8 master programs