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vineri, 02 februarie 2018 / Published in Oportunități angajare

Isagri, companie franceza care propune o gama larga de programe informatice în agricultura face recrutări, în special pe partea de IT Support and Customer Care. Pentru acest post avem nevoie de persoane care vorbesc franceza fluent și pasionate de informatica.

You tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M281Lm7u0uk 



joi, 01 februarie 2018 / Published in Avizier CIG, Relații internaționale
luni, 29 ianuarie 2018 / Published in Avizier CIG, Evenimente, Relații internaționale

On the occasion of its 25th Anniversary to be celebrated in 2018, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) is organizing, in partnership with the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN), an Essay Competition for students entitled “Views and Perspectives for the Future in the Black Sea Region”. The aim of the competition is to bring together young people’s views on the future development of the BSEC Region and shaping the vision for the future of our region in cultural, political and economic terms. The competition is opened to students aged up to 30, from all BSEC Member States. The topic proposed for the competition is: “Twenty-five years of the Parliamentary Cooperation in the BSEC Region – Views and Perspectives for the Future”

Informații aici și aici

marți, 09 ianuarie 2018 / Published in -, Oportunități angajare

TPG Accounting oferă oportunitatea de angajare pentru un student de anul 3 sau master pe poziția de Junior Accountant. Detalii aici