The Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems welcomed Claudia Simen, Digital Supply Chain Business Manager at SAP, as a guest speaker at the opening of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Implementation course within the master programme Management Information Systems. By being part of the SAP University Alliances programme and maintaining close links with the business world, the Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems reaffirms its commitment to educating professionals with relevant skills.
Cu ocazia începerii cursului Implementarea sistemelor Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) în cadrul programului de masterat Informatică de Gestiune, Facultatea de Contabilitate și Informatică de Gestiune a avut-o ca invitat pe doamna Claudia Simen, Digital Supply Chain Business Manager în cadrul companiei SAP. Astfel, ca parte a programului SAP University Alliances și prin menținerea unei strânse legături cu mediul de afaceri, Facultatea de Contabilitate și Informatică de Gestiune își reconfirmă angajamentul în pregătirea de profesioniști cu un set relevant de competențe.
The European Central Bank (ECB) is recruiting trainees in the field of IT security.
In your role as a trainee, you will help to protect the IT assets of the ECB and the European System of Central Banks. This will involve working closely with stakeholders from the Directorate General and other business areas, as well as with the national central banks of EU Member States.
More details about this traineeship are available here