Stimați studenți,
Tematica și bibliografia pentru evaluarea cunoștințelor fundamentale și de specialitate pentru anul universitar 2023-2024 sunt afișate mai jos.
Acceseaza link-ul – Tematica finalizare studii 2024
Stimati studenti,
Va invitam sa participati la Conferinta organizata de ASEM, Chisinau.
Site-ul Conferintei, unde puteti gasi mai multe detalii, este:
Consistent with its continuous effort to stimulate interest in scientific research among young people, as well as the steps taken to promote and increase institutional visibility, in line with tradition and induced expectations, the ASEM Faculty of Accounting organizes the International Student Scientific Conference (ISSC 2024) with the title The challenges of accounting in the view of young researchers, which will be held in Chisinau, on March 15-16, 2024. The event is aimed at students, master’s and doctoral students and aims to achieve a useful exchange of ideas and knowledge transfer, promoting the results of research activities in who were trained, in the hope of stimulating, thus, their initiative towards academic level research activity.
- Accounting and financial reporting;
- Financial audit and internal audit;
- Financial control and internal control;
- Economic analysis and financial management.
CONFERENCE LANGUAGE: English, Romanian, Russian.
Stimati studenti,
Deloitte Romania a lansat campania de recrutare pentru rolul de Auditor Junior.
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