Join our regional ACCA competition, win great prizes and learn how can you benefit from ACCA Qualification! How?
- You are a student in the final year of your bachelor degree or a master student in Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Albania and Macedonia and your field of study is finance and accounting. We do not accept participants who are already ACCA students or members!
- You will need to register here to attend our online competition happening on Friday, 9th of July 2021, at 10 AM EEST.
- Prepare yourself before the test by using our online exam resources F2 Management Accounting and F3 Financial Accounting)
- Don’t make any plans for the exam day, join us online and test your knowledge!
What can you win?
- First place a video camera DJI Osmo-Pocket
- Second place a pair of Beats Studio 3 wireless headphones
- Third place a Huawei Smart watch
Students with good results (more than 40% correct answers) will also receive special discounts to register for ACCA. Good luck!
Seriile A, B
Lector dr. Pripoae Cristina
Joi 20 mai, 11:30- 13:20 (2h), seriile A si B.
Luni 24 mai, 13:30- 15:20 (2h), seriile A si B.
Joi 27 mai, 9:30 – 13:20 (4h), seriile A si B.
Luni 31 mai, 13:30- 15:20 (2h), seriile A si B.
Linkurile pentru Zoom:
1) Topic: Intalnire 1 (mai) ROSE (2h)
Time: May 20, 2021 11:30 AM Bucharest
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 885 6949 3905
Passcode: 395661
2) Topic: Intalnire 2 (mai) ROSE (2h)
Time: May 24, 2021 01:30 PM Bucharest
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 5708 0091
Passcode: 545192
3) Topic: Intalnire 3 (mai) ROSE (4h)
Time: May 27, 2021 09:30 AM Bucharest
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 1699 9516
Passcode: 035097
4) Topic: Intalnire 4 (mai) ROSE (2h)
Time: May 31, 2021 01:30 PM Bucharest
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 3129 4694
Passcode: 115203
Seriile C, D
Lector dr. Solomon Ovidiu
1) Joi, 20 mai
15.30 – 17.20 – seria C,
17.30 – 19.20 – seria D
Meeting ID: 831 7000 6695
Passcode: 985711
2) Joi, 27 mai
15.30 – 17.20 – seria C,
17.30 – 19.20 – seria D
Meeting ID: 831 7000 6695
Passcode: 985711
3) Vineri, 28 mai
13.30 – 15.20 – seriile C, D
Meeting ID: 844 4886 6387
Passcode: 394750
- 13 mai , ora 17.30-21.30 toate seriile
- 18 mai, 11.30-15.30 toate seriile
- 25 mai, 9.30-13.30 toate seriile
Evaluarea cadrelor didactice pentru semestrul 2, anul universitar 2020-2021 se desfasoara in perioada 10-23 mai 2021, pentru toate disciplinele indiferent de forma de evaluare (conform cu „Metodologia de evaluare a cadrelor didactice de catre studenti”, aprobata in 24.03.2021).
La evaluare participa studentii din anul I, II si III LICENTA IF, ID si IFR precum si studentii din anul I si II MASTERAT.
Codurile pentru evaluare sunt afisate in pagina personala a studentului, in sectiunea „Evaluare Cadre Didactice”. Acestea sunt generate aleatoriu prin intermediul mijloacelor automatizate de trimitere a mesajelor electronice si asigura deplina anonimitate a respondentului.
Adresa aplicatiei este afisata in pagina personala a studentului insa poate fi afisata (daca se doreste) si pe site-ul fiecarei facultati.
Dupa incheierea perioadei de evaluare ( 24-28 mai 2021), Doamnele / Domnii Decani sau Prodecani (care au in atributie evaluarea) sunt rugati sa ne contacteze pentru a intra in posesia tabelelor cu rezultatele inregistrate.
Persoana de contact, directia TIC: Gina Sirbu (