ICAEW – event for students
Scholarship Programme for University of Economics, Bucharest Accounting Students. Get the job of your dreams – Successful Job Hunt
In this session we will learn how to successfully get a job of our dreams as well as we will have a chance to sign up for free for the joint ICAEW – CFAB Programme.
Economic University in Bucharest (ASE) partners with the Institute of Chartered Accountants and received exceptions for the academic programme in Accounting.
If you are an active Accounting student you can join for free our e-learning platform, and finish University with more than one diploma.
On our platform you can take a free course in Digital Cloud Accounting and receive a certificate. You can get exceptions for your academic learning and go for CFAB Certificate that is a worldwide recognised diploma in accounting.
Come to the session on the 27 th of November 2019, 15-16.20, room 1013, to learn more.
- Published in Evenimente, Events and News
În atenția studenților de la toate programele de masterat anul II 2019-2020 și pentru toți absolvenții din promoțiile anterioare care nu au susținut examenul de Disertație:
Completarea cererii tip (si depunerea) pentru alegerea TEMEI DE DISERTAȚIE pentru anul universitar 2019-2020 se face în perioada:
• 04, 05, 06, 07 Noiembrie 2019 între orele 9,00- 15,00
• 08 Noiembrie 2019 între orele 9,00- 12,00
– CONTABILITATE ȘI AUDIT – clădirea Eminescu parter/ sala 1011
– ANALIZA ȘI EVALUARE ECONOMICO-FINACIARĂ –clădirea Centrul de calcul etaj 5/ sala 2519
– INFORMATICĂ DE GESTIUNE clădirea Eminescu etaj 1/ sala 1103
– DREPT – clădirea Centrul de calcul etaj 5/ sala 2516
Download: Teme contabilitate si audit (2020)
Download: Teme informatica de gestiune (2020)
- Published in Avizier CIG
University Management Accounting Accounting Day (UMAD) in collaboration with CIMA (21.10.2019)
The student event was organized in partnership with an international accounting professional body
The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), one of the international bodies of the accounting profession that has recognized the undergraduate program of the Faculty CIG, organized in BUES, as well as in other partner universities in the region, the University Management Accounting Day CEE region on October 21, 2019. During the evenimnet, first year students worked in teams in business games and were awarded for their achievements. This event aimed to expose students to an international working environment and develop communication, teamwork and time management skills.
- Published in Evenimente în imagini, Events and News
Visiting Professor
Prof. Sebastian Hoffmann, University of Edinburgh, UK a vizitat facultatea noastră în perioada 20-25 octombrie 2019. Vizita a fost co-finanţată de University of Edinburgh şi de Asociaţia pentru Educaţie şi Cercetare în Contabilitate şi Informatică de Gestiune (AECCIG). In cadrul acestei vizite, Prof. Hoffmann a fost profesor invitat pentru un curs în cadrul programelor master CAIG engleză şi română (cursul Contabilitate internaţională), precum şi la anul III programul de licenţă cu predare în limba engleză (cursul Politici şi opţiuni contabile). De asemenea, miercuri 23 octombrie Prof. Hoffmann a prezentat lucrarea ON THE ROLE OF TECHNICAL STAFF IN INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARD SETTING în cadrul unui seminar de cercetare organizat în intervalul 16.30-17.50, sala 1117. Începând cu ora 18.00 Prof. Hoffmann a avut discuţii cu doctoranzii.
- Published in Cercetare, Evenimente
Internship Standard Business
- Published in Oportunități angajare
Sesiune de informare, organizată de Oficiul Consiliului Europei în domeniul criminalității informatice
În contextul aniversării a 70 de ani de la fondarea Consiliului Europei, avem plăcerea de a invita studenții Facultații de Contabilitate si Informatica de Gestiune, la o sesiune de informare, organizată de Oficiul Consiliului Europei în domeniul criminalității informatice din București (CPROC).
Evenimentul va avea loc, joi, 31 octombrie 2019, între orele 14:00 și 17:00 la sediul nostru din Bulevardul Primăverii nr. 48A, sector 1, București (Casa ONU).
În cadrul acestei întâlniri vom prezenta provocările legislative, riscurile și tendințele actuale în domeniul criminalității informatice la nivel internațional. De asemenea, vor fi prezentate proiectele și inițiativele pe care Consiliul Europei și Comitetul Convenției de la Budapesta privind criminalitatea informatică (T-CY) le implementează în acest domeniu.
Director Operatiuni
Oficiului Consiliului Europei
în domeniul criminalității informatice (C-PROC)
Directia Generala pentru Drepturile Omului și Statul de Drept
Consiliul Europei
- Published in Evenimente
University Management Accounting Day (UMAD) in colaborare cu CIMA
- Published in Evenimente, Relații internaționale
Utilizarea platformei Bloomberg Finance
Biblioteca ASE și Bloomberg Finance L.P. organizează în data de 10 octombrie 2019 o nouă sesiune de prezentare a facilităților și tehnicilor de utilizare a platformei Bloomberg Finance

- Published in Anunțuri-Didactic, Avizier CIG, Cercetare
Societăți antreprenoriale studențesti
- Published in Evenimente
Sesiuni de instruire

- Published in Avizier CIG, Evenimente
Oportunitate Angajare, Hellenic Cables – Junior reporting manager
Junior – 2 years experience
Contract for 1 year per position with the renewal depending on performance and company needs.
- Calculation of key financial indicators;
- Calculation of performance indicators and the analysis of their evolution;
- Active involvement in budgeting and forecasting activities of the company;
- Analyze departmental expenditures and their allocation compared with the budget;
- Monthly reporting under international financial reporting standards;
- Analyze current variation and the evolution of financial ratios compared with the budget;
- Follow the investments and perform feasibility studies;
- Perform, verify and reconcile financial statements and reports required by management;
- PowerPoint presentations of company financial performance;
- Implement policies and reporting procedures according with those of the group;
- Advantage – Masters in accounting, economics, business administration
Experience in financial analysis (Romanian and international standards); - Previous experience in a financial audit firm is an advantage.
- Proficiency in PC, Excel, Word, Powerpoint.
- Knowledge of SAP and Qlickview is an advantage.
- Knowledge of English – advanced
- Communication skills (written and verbal), attention to detail
- Planning skills, coordination, multitasking
- Offer (bonuses, benefits):
We offer an attractive salary, meal vouchers and the opportunity to develop a career in a multinational industrial group.
The Company
Hellenic Cables its subsidiaries and Icme Ecab constitute the cables production and trading segment of Viohalco and are member of Cenergy Holdings, a Belgian holding company that focuses on long-term value creation by investing in leading industrial companies, focusing on the growing global demand of energy transfer, renewables and data transmission.
Hellenic Cables is active in the manufacturing of cables, conductors, enamelled copper and aluminium wires, as well as plastic and rubber compounds. Over the past decade, the cables segment companies (Cablel Hellenic Cables, Fulgor and Icme Ecab) have evolved into the largest cable manufacturer in South-Eastern Europe, exporting to more than 50 countries. Its production base consists of six plants in Greece, Romania and Bulgaria which manufacture a wide range of products from high voltage submarine cables to extra high voltage power cables and enamelled wires. The cable segment companies’ product portfolio is commercially traded under the registered brand Cablel.
Icme Ecab has industrial facilities in Bucharest, Romania. The company has a wide product portfolio which includes cables for indoor installations, power, control, industrial applications, low and medium voltage, are-retardant, are-resistant and halogen-free cables, telecommunication cables, signaling, remote control and data transmission cables, copper and aluminium conductors, as well as plastic and rubber compounds.
Contact: gcucereanu@icme.vionet.gr
- Published in Oportunități angajare
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